Guide to register and use OTP

  • Get OTP code via VNDIRECT Stock Trading application

Please follow these steps to register OTP code via VNDIRECT Stock Trading application

Download and install VNDIRECT Stock Trading application for free
VNDIRECT app in Play Store
1Open Play Store/App Store on your phone or your tablet: icon_app_android icon_app_ios
2Enter the keyword “VNDIRECT” for searching VNDIRECT Stock Trading application.
3Select “VNDIRECT Stock Trading” for Free downloading and installing the application on your device.
Set up to receive OTP code via VNDIRECT application
1Open the mobile application & enter correct Username / Password under the Account tab to login
2 Choose English mode (USA flag icon on login screen) for further actions
Log In
Menu Tab
3Select OTP Registration in Menu tab
4Select Enter registration code
5Enter the 6-digit Access code sent to your registered email, and click Verify to complete registration. Note that the code is case sensitive
Mail Access Code
Verify Access Code
You have registered to receive OTP code on your device successfully. The OTP code via mobile application can be used for further online trading. Please open VNDIRECT Stock Trading application and receive OTP code by selecting Get OTP code in Menu tab.
OTP Screen
Note: With mobile devices using VNDIRECT Stock Trading application that has already registered OTP code, you only need to login by Username / Password for further trading.